Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Vacancy for a Research Assistant

Post : Research Assistant
Research Topic : A study on alternative Planning approaches to integrate climate change adaptation into development plans of coastal urban areas, Sri Lanka (UGC funded Research Project)
Location : Faculty of Architecture, UoM
Duration :1 year (+1 year)
Qualifications : BSc (Hons) T&CP with special interset on Climate Change, Disaster Management, GIS
Salary : 25,000 - 30,000

Closing dates : 31st Jan 2013
(Please set the email subject as :   RA_UGC_(your name), example: RA_UGC_AmilaJayasinghe)

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Vacancy for a Environmental Planner

Job Tittle : Environmental Planner (at a EMS Unit):

Location : Leading Pvt Firm locate @ Colombo (for more details, please write to the given email address with your resume)
Salary : SLR 80,000+ (BSc T&CP qualification) OR SLR 150,000+ (BSc T&CP + MSc in Env Planning qualification)

Please send short Resume to (Subject : EP@EMS_Names e.g EP@EMS_Amila)

Number of positions: 1
Closing date: 25th Jan 2013

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Grabbing large size Satellite Images from Google Maps

If you have tried to save a satellite image from Google Earth, you might already experienced that The Google Earth allows us only to save small size satellite images, usually the same size of the display window of Google Earth. If we need a larger size image, we have to download a large number of images and merge them together. If you have already tried it, you might find that is a time consuming job.

But, there is a way to grab large size images from Google Earth free version (I am sure Google Earth Plus allows us to download large size images).

There can be many other methods. Here I am sharing the method I use, which have been very useful to me in many times.

1. Install Mozilla Firefox, if you don't have it in your computer (Chrome might also do the job, but I have never tried it).

2. Install the Add-On

Again, there are many, but I use this. Feel free to try others too.

3. Goto Google Maps and find the area you want to grab in.

4. Click on "Link" button.

5. Click on "Customized and preview embedded map" in the popped up box.

6. In the new window, input the desired size of the map, you want to grab.

7. Copy the HTML code provides at the bottom of the window.

8. Open the Text Editor (Note Pad in MS Windows) and paste the code.

9. "Save As" a HTML file.

10. Open the saved HTML file in Mozilla FireFox.

11. Make sure the required area is covered in the map or satellite image.

12. Goto Tools menu > ScreenGrab!> Save > Complete Page/Frame

13. It may take few minutes to save the image into your HDD, depending on your computer performances and the internet connections speed.

14. Now, take coordinates of two reference points from Google Earth and Geo-reference  your satellite image.

If you want to  geo-reference it in local or any other coordinate system, there are plenty of transforming tools in the internet. The one I often use is "FRANSON CoordTrans".


NOTE: I believe this process is NOT illegal. If it is, please don't do it.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Why not try FREE, before spending MILLIONS?

What I have experienced is most of our GIS needs can be entertained by FREE OpenSource softwares. Yes, commercial versions are fancy and little convenient than free versions. But why not face a tiny hardship for millions of rupees since people kill each other for hundreds.

QGIS is one of such software, which I found simple and user-friendly, and most importantly we can satisfy our basic GIS needs very easily. Why not have a try? Save some money.

Get the Application [ Download ]

Get the User Manual [ Download ]

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Open Source GIS: Introduction and Tutorials

The presentation slides on the "Python Programming in WebGIS"; the introduction and tutorials done by Dr. Yann Chemin, are available to download.

Lecture 01: Introduction to WebGIS [Download]

Lecture 02: Mobile GIS [Download]

Lecture 03: Web Processing Service (WPS) [Download]

Lecture 04: WebGIS Services and High Performance Computing [Download]

Tutorial 01: Python Fundamentals for Raster Processing  [Download]

Tutorial 02: Python Fundamentals for Raster Processing: Numpy [Download]

Tutorial 03: Python - GDAL Scripting [Download]

Tutorial 04: Python for GRASS Scripting [Download]

Tutorial 05: Python - WPS Scripting [Download]

Tutorial 06: Open Layers in QGIS [Download]

Tutorial 07: Open Layers & QGIS [Download]

Dataset for Practicals: Tutorial 03 [Download]

Vacancy for Project Assistant

A vacancy for a Project Assistant is available in the CCSL project.
Duration 2 months (Full time/Part time)
Focus: National Policies
Salary: Negotiable
Contact: Mr. Chathura De Silva, Consultant CCSL

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Any Urban Planning or GIS related problem?

We are providing practical and efficient alternative solutions for Urban Planning and GIS related issues. The solutions are more technical and design oriented. We are following a practical and economical approach in troubleshooting. We will be happy to assist you in your Urban Planning or/and GIS related issues.